Tolerance Stackups, mating parts, correctly specifying materials are all vital components to mechanical design. Complexity often has a negative connotation due to the fact that it may cost more or take longer to make complex mechanical parts. We want to dispel some of the negativity associated with complexity.

Successful engineers in demanding industries such as medical, aerospace, and automotive must rely on a thorough understanding of GD&T when designing a component in an assembly. They need to know how to use GD&T and analyze tolerances when conveying design intent. 

In this live webinar, unofactorys Technical Applications Engineer Tessa Axsom will define what makes a part complex and share strategies to optimize complex mechanical designs for manufacturing. Walking you through how to take your design process to the next level, through tolerance stack up analysis, teaching you how to evaluate if you need to focus on your GD&T in order to improve low-volume production speed and cost.

You will walk away with answers to the following questions:

  • What makes a design complex?
  • What are some strategies for optimizing complex mechanical designs for manufacturing?
  • How can I convey design intent correctly for a component in an assembly?