
Sunny Sahota

unofactorys Technical Applications Engineer, helping customers bridge the gap between design and manufacturing.

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The Best CAD Software Programs in 2023

Every product design starts with an idea or a request for a quote from a customer and ends with a finished prototype or production part. The process used to start with a hand sketch or simply machining the component, then modifying it and repeating the process to refine the design. In 2023, we can use […]


How to Select & Source the Right Materials

So, you’ve finished the initial design for a new product or part… congratulations! Your R&D stage is complete, which means you’ve started iterating on the design and have a clear vision of:  The next, critical step in the development process is to research the best materials Prototyping and ultimately for mass production — a […]


3D Printed Light Pipes: Overview and Material Selection

The advent of 3D printable transparent materials has opened doors to new possibilities with rapid prototyping for optical applications. Now, we can consider how to use and manipulate light with 3D printed parts. Light pipes, sometimes referred to as light guides or light tubes, are physical components used to purposefully redirect or transport light from […]


iRobot Braava 380t Mopping Robot Teardown

Recently, we did a teardown of the iRobot® Braava® 380t Mopping Robot, to understand the different mechanical and manufacturing design elements that help to get you those squeaky-clean floors. Before we got started, we decided to take a step back and evaluate what features would make up a good mopping robot. The two items we […]


Get Prepared for CES with These 5 Prototyping Tips

It’s December and while most people are giddy with the holidays upcoming, consumer electronic companies around the world are in crunch-time preparing prototypes for the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES). It can be a stressful time of year for engineers and designers, so here are a few prototyping tips to help you understand all your options […]


Segway miniPRO Teardown

A while back, we tore down the now infamous hoverboard, with the intention of uncovering how the product was made so cheaply and easily by manufacturers large and small in China. For this teardown, we decided to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and see what changes when an experienced industry leader designs and […]


Design Guidelines Prototyping with PLA

Understanding Design for Manufacturing (DFM) is critical to a successful build, even at the 3D printing stage. The right design paired with the wrong 3D printed material will lead to underwhelming results. There are several 3D printing materials from which to choose that each utilize a unique build process, but PLA is a common choice, due to its widespread […]


Power Racing Series Car Build Part 3: The Bananaghini on the Track

unofactorys spent several weeks collaborating with Mindtribe to build a $500 electric car, using the base of a Power Wheels Lamborghini to race at the Power Racing Series at the 2016 Bay Area Maker Faire. In Part 2 of our Power Racing Series, we wrapped up the vehicle and took our first practice laps. In […]


Power Racing Series Build Part 2

We spent several weeks working with Mindtribe to build a $500 electric car to race at the Power Racing Series at Maker Faire, using the base of a Power Wheels Lambo. The Power Racing Series is this amazing event where adults-who-still-want-to-be-kids dress up in crazy outfits and race their souped-up Power Wheels cars for moxie […]


How to Get the Right Finish for VeroWhite 3D Printing Material

Depending on your visual model needs, you can choose from different finishing options for 3D printed parts. To make life easier, unofactorys always recommends printing parts that need any type of finishing work in a high resolution material, like VeroWhite or VeroBlack. People often try to cut costs by printing in a low resolution, hard, […]


Power Racing Series Build Part 1

Before the 2016 Bay Area Maker Faire, my inner-child set out on a goal to re-live the freedom I felt when I got my first car—a 25lb plastic, electric blue, Power Wheels Jeep. Those of you who have attended the Bay Area Maker Faire may have seen the awesome PPPRS races. PPPRS stands for Pow-Pow […]


Hoverboard Teardown

By now, you’ve almost certainly seen a hoverboard out in the wild. While the current models still aren’t quite the quality of Marty McFly’s hoverboard (thanks, Doc!), it’s just as mesmerizing to see someone majestically gliding through the daily San Francisco sidewalk traffic. Not everyone feels the way I do, though—some find them dangerous (like the […]


Metric vs Imperial Units: The Greatest One-Sided Debate of All Time

The Mars Climate Orbiter infamously disintegrated after its trajectory sent it too close to the planet’s atmosphere, due to a calculation error—an error that could have been avoided if everyone used the metric system. You might ask, “Well, why not have everyone use imperial units?”, to which I would respond: You might wonder why the […]


How to Clean PolyJet Parts

A lot of hard work goes into making 3D printed parts shine once they come off the build bed. As revolutionary as 3D printing has been for hardware development, there’s still some manual labor that goes into every part. Here’s a quick tutorial that shows how we clean PolyJet parts fresh off the build bed […]


Living Hinge Design: How to Design a Living Hinge

If you’ve worked with consumer electronics, you’ll have come across living hinges. They are found in a wide variety of components – clamshell packaging, attached bottle caps, and electronic cases, just to name a few. They are low cost, easy to manufacture, and have little wear or friction involved in operation — understandably a popular […]


The Fundamentals of Hardware Assembly Design

Designing parts for efficient product assembly is a primary hardware development consideration. Even if labor costs are a relatively small percentage of the final selling price, problems in assembly can generate tremendous costs, incur production delays, and result in suboptimal part quality. Since the largest financial impact in hardware development comes during the production phase […]


Options for 3D Printing Clear Parts

When it comes to 3D printing clear parts, it’s important to understand the clarity options available to you. Depending on your design requirements, the clarity level can play an integral role in your design review. Here are 3 options for 3D printing clear parts to help you make the best material choice for your part. […]


3D Printing Getting Started Guide

This quick start guide is designed to you help you become familiar with unofactorys’s online tools for 3D printing. Read on for a step-by-step guide to help you: Properly prepare your CAD files Export your files with the correct settings Upload your files to unofactorys Choose the right 3D printing material Step 1: Prepare Your CAD […]


3D Printing Technologies Overview

There are 4 main types of 3D printing technologies: FDM, SLS, SLA, and Polyjet. In this post, I’m going to outline the strengths and weaknesses of each 3D printing technology, to help you choose the best one for your prototyping needs. Picking the Right Technology Similar to picking the right material, understanding your technology options […]


How to Use unofactorys’s New Uploader

We have a brand new uploader and it’s going to make your life a lot easier — promise. Now, you can upload your files just once and get unlimited quotes for all variations of materials, colors, and production speeds. To help you get started, here’s a step-by-step guide on how the process works: Step 1: […]


4 Considerations to Help You Choose Between Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Methods

Methods Overview There’s a telling quote attributed to the great Renaissance artist, poet, and subtractive manufacturer, Michelangelo. When asked how he created his masterpiece David from a large chunk of marble, he remarked that he simply “chipped away at all of the stone that doesn’t look like David.” As engineers and artists, before we can […]


Design for Manufacturing Terms

Manufacturing is hard enough without knowing terms most manufacturers use. Here’s a quick resource to help you learn the most common terms around describing physical parts. DFM (Design For Manufacturing) Terms Undercut: In manufacturing, an undercut is a special type of recessed surface. In machining it refers to a recess in a corner or a piece of […]