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What is Alloy Steel? Alloy steel is an iron-based material that has been enhanced with additional elements such as nickel, chromium, or cobalt. These elements are integrated to improve the mechanical and physical properties of steel, such as hardness, strength, and corrosion resistance. The composition of alloy steel can vary, with alloying elements making up 1–50 wt% of its total composition.

Alloy steels are categorized based on their major alloying elements or the total percentage of alloying elements present. High-alloy steels contain more than 8% alloying elements, while low-alloy steels have less. The addition of various elements in different quantities results in alloy steel with properties such as durability, high strength, and resistance to corrosion and weather.

The Making of Alloy Steel The production of alloy steel involves melting the base alloys in an electric furnace at temperatures exceeding 1600°C for 8 to 12 hours. Following this, the steel undergoes annealing at over 500°C to remove impurities and modify its chemical and physical properties. Hydrofluoric acid is then used to remove mill scale from the surface, which forms during annealing. This process of annealing and descaling is repeated until the steel is ready for rolling and shaping.

Applications of Alloy Steel Our customers at Unofactory utilize alloy steel in a multitude of applications, depending on the specific category of alloy steel. Low-alloy steels are favored for their strength and affordability in applications such as CNC machined or sheet-cut components. They are commonly found in ships, pipelines, pressure vessels, oil drilling platforms, military vehicles, and construction equipment.

High-alloy steels, while more expensive and challenging to work with, offer exceptional toughness, corrosion resistance, and strength, making them ideal for automotive, chemical processing, and power generation equipment.

Types of Alloy Steel Alloy steel can be further classified into low-alloy steels, high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel, high-alloy steel, stainless steel, advanced high-strength steel (AHSS), maraging steel, and tool steel. Each category has its unique properties and applications.

How Unofactory Can Help At Unofactory, we understand the intricacies of alloy steel and its various types. If you are looking to incorporate alloy steel into your next project, consider our services. We offer instant lead times and pricing for steel parts manufactured through CNC machining, sheet cutting, sheet metal fabrication, 3D printing, and more. Upload your designs to the Unofactory Instant Quoting Engine® today to get started.

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