Time to read: 6 min


Springs are indispensable mechanical components used in a variety of products to facilitate motion and enhance shock absorption, among other functions. This article provides a detailed overview of the working principles of springs, the different types of springs, their advantages and limitations, and their practical applications.

Principles of Springs

Springs operate by storing energy when a force is applied and releasing it once the force is removed. Regardless of the type, springs typically return to their original shape after the load is removed.

The functionality of springs is governed by Hooke's Law, which defines the relationship between the applied force and the spring's elasticity. In simple terms, Hooke's Law states that the force required to compress or extend a spring is directly proportional to the displacement.

The mathematical expression of Hooke's Law is: F=?kXF=?kX Where:

  • FF is the force applied to the spring.
  • XX is the displacement of the spring (the negative value indicates that the restoring force is in the opposite direction of the displacement).
  • kk is the spring constant, which depends on the type of spring and indicates its stiffness.

Different Types of Mechanical Springs and Their Applications

Springs can be classified based on materials, shapes, functions, and each category has its specific application scenarios.

Category One: Helical Springs

Helical springs are the most common type of spring used in product manufacturing. They are created by coiling wire into a helical shape, offering various cross-sectional designs. Here are some types of springs in this category:

  1. Compression Springs

    • Compression springs have an open-coil helical design with a constant coil diameter and variable pitch, resisting axial compression. A simple application example is the spring in a ballpoint pen, which is responsible for the "popping" effect when the pen is pressed. They are also suitable for valves and suspension systems.
  2. Extension Springs

    • Extension springs utilize a closed-coil helical design, unlike compression springs. They create tension, store energy, and use it to return to their original shape. A common application is in garage doors, as well as in pull levers, pliers, and weighing machines.
  3. Torsion Springs

    • Torsion springs have two ends attached to different components, keeping them apart at a certain angle. When a rotational force is applied, these springs act in the radial direction. Custom two-bodied torsion springs can be produced in high volumes using CNC machining capabilities.
  4. Spiral Springs

    • Spiral springs are made by coiling rectangular metal strips into flat spirals. When activated, they store a significant amount of energy and can release it at a constant rate. The constant release rate makes them suitable for mechanical watches, toys, and seat recliners.

Category Two: Leaf Springs

Leaf springs are made from rectangular metal plates, also known as leaves. These plates are typically bolted and clamped, with primary use in heavy vehicles.

  1. Elliptical Leaf Spring

    • Connecting two semi-elliptical springs in opposite directions creates an elliptical leaf spring, forming an elliptical shape. In older cars, these springs attached the axle and frame, eliminating the need for shackles as both semi-elliptical springs elongated equally during compression. However, they are no longer used in modern vehicles.
  2. Semi-Elliptical Leaf Spring

    • These are the most popular leaf springs in automobiles. They are made from steel leaves of varying lengths but the same width and thickness. The uppermost/longest leaf at the two ends is the master leaf. The arrangement of the steel leaves resembles a semi-elliptical shape.
  3. Quarter Elliptical Leaf Spring

    • Also known as the cantilever-type leaf spring, the quarter elliptical leaf spring is also old-fashioned. They have one end fixed on the side member of the frame with the aid of a U-clamp or I-bolt. The other end is freely connected to the front axle. When the front axle beam is subjected to a shock load, the leaves straighten to absorb the shock.
  4. Three-Quarter Elliptical Leaf Spring

    • A simple application example is a door hinge. Here, when you open the door, the spring stores rotational energy; when you release the door, it uses the stored energy to bring the door back to its original position. The rotational force depends on the rotation of the spring.
  5. Transverse Leaf Spring

    • A transverse leaf spring is created by mounting a semi-elliptical spring across the vehicle’s width. The longest leaf is positioned at the bottom, with the mid-portion fixed to the frame using a U-bolt. While this design uses two shackles, it can cause rolling, making it unsuitable for automobile fasteners.

Category Three: Disk Springs

Disk springs consist of single or multiple springs stacked together in series or parallel arrangements, allowing them to absorb high loads in tight spaces.

  1. Belleville Disk Spring

    • Also known as the coned-shaped disk spring, the Belleville disk spring has a cupped construction. They do not lie flat. Instead, they take a canonical shape that compresses and allows them to handle heavy loads.
  2. Curved Disk Spring

    • Also known as crescent washers, they apply light pressure to their mating part to resist loosening due to vibration. They are suitable for distributing the loads of threaded bolts, screws, and nuts evenly in machines that produce constant vibration.
  3. Slotted Disk Spring

    • Slots on the outer and inner diameter of a disc create a slotted disk spring. This design reduces the load and increases deflection, making slotted disk springs widely used in automatic transmissions, clutches, and overload couplings.
  4. Wave Disk Springs

    • Wave disk springs have multiple waves per turn and are suitable for providing precise and predictable loading. Here, they can act as a cushion by absorbing stress due to axial compression.

If you're looking to incorporate springs into your products, Unofactory offers a comprehensive solution, from sourcing the springs you need, manufacturing the parts, assembling your products, to delivering them back to you within just 3 days.

Materials Used to Make Springs

Contrary to the common belief that springs are made only of iron, they come in various materials. These materials influence the properties, types, and applications of springs. Here are some common materials used in spring manufacturing:

  1. Beryllium Copper Alloy

    • Springs made from this alloy offer high strength, low creep, and excellent conductivity. They are ideal for forming complex shapes, making them suitable for use in musical instruments, measurement devices, and bullets.
  2. Ceramic

    • Ceramic material is suitable for making springs that are used at very high temperatures. It is resistant to abrasion, water, and is very hard. It also has a low coefficient of friction and low density.
  3. One-Directional Glass Fiber Composite Materials

    • One-directional glass fiber composite material is a reinforced glass fiber known for its strength. Manufacturers are now considering it as a potential material for making all types of springs.
  4. Rubber/Urethane

    • These materials are suitable for producing springs with a cylindrical or non-coil design. They are safe and reliable, and due to their non-conductive properties, they are ideal for products where issues of magnetism, corrosion, and vibration are prevalent.
  5. Steel Alloys

    • Steel alloy is the most commonly used material for springs due to its excellent strength and durability. While it can be enhanced with other materials, its core properties remain highly reliable.

The Benefits of Using Springs in Your Projects

Springs play a crucial role in many applications, offering flexibility, energy storage, and precise control. Incorporating them into your designs can enhance functionality and address mechanical challenges more efficiently. Let's explore how springs can add value to your projects:

  1. Improved Shock-Absorbing Capability

    • Springs are widely used in products to reduce the impact of shocks by absorbing them. When a product experiences a shock, the spring compresses and relaxes to absorb it, making them an essential component in vehicles.
  2. Energy Storage

    • The spiral spring can serve as an alternative to a battery. When force is applied, it generates energy and releases it continuously, making it a vital component in mechanical watches.
  3. Joining Mechanism

    • Springs can join two parts of a product together. For example, they are used in garage doors, gates, and weighing machines to connect two parts for proper functioning.
  4. Product Stability

    • By utilizing shock-absorbing capabilities, springs ensure the stability of products that use them. Product stability can also reduce part friction and vibration.

Disadvantages of Springs in Engineering

While springs are useful, they have limitations that can affect engineering outcomes:

  1. Size and Weight Constraints

    • Springs may need to increase in size and weight to handle high loads, which can be challenging in space-constrained or weight-sensitive applications, complicating the design and potentially impacting system efficiency.
  2. Complex Design Requirements

    • Designing springs to meet specific force and deformation criteria can be complex, requiring careful consideration of material properties, spatial constraints, and desired performance, often leading to a complex and challenging design process.
  3. Loss of Effectiveness Over Time

    • Over time, springs can lose their effectiveness due to continuous compression and relaxation. This depends on the material used in their manufacture. Eventually, they may fail to follow Hooke's Law, meaning they will not return to their original shape after deformation.


Springs are essential for products that undergo motion. Modern variations offer different features and characteristics based on materials, design, and manufacturing processes. It is crucial to carefully evaluate these factors when selecting springs for.