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Manufacturing Processes


Prototyping Showdown: 3D Printing vs. CNC Machining [VIDEO]

There are so many different ways to prototype and manufacture physical products, and at times, the list of materials and processes can feel daunting even for the most experienced engineers. At unofactorys, we’re working to give people more streamlined access to the best fabrication technology available. We’re also dedicated to helping engineers learn which fabrication […]


CNC Periodic Table of Elements

A Visual Representation of CNC Machining. The CNC Periodic Table of Elements is a knowledge-sharing project, designed to visually represent some of the most foundational elements of CNC machining.  Table Architecture The periodic table is organized by three major categories of information related to CNC machining: 1. Capabilities – materials, finish, machine types 2. Manufacturing – cutting tools, machine […]


Introducing 3-Day CNC Machining on the unofactorys Platform

If you’ve used CNC machining to fabricate parts, you’re familiar with the lengthy back-and-forth email chains, complicated drawings, and long lead times waiting for machines to free up—it’s a lot to manage. The process to get parts CNC machined on time and to spec can be frustrating, time-consuming, and unpredictable. That’s about to change. Today, […]


Building the Future of Democratized Manufacturing

Three years ago, I embarked on a journey with my brother to transform the way people discover and access tools for hardware development and manufacturing. We named our company unofactorys, which means “created by imagination.” Today, unofactorys launches its CNC machining service, providing customers with precision parts fabricated and delivered in just 3 days, all […]


5 Options for Building Large Scale Prototypes

3D printing is a fantastic solution for building fast, cheap prototypes. Small enclosures? Piece of cake. 5 variations of a door handle? No problem. But what happens when your dimensions surpass that of a 3D printer build bed? Here are a few alternative methods for building prototypes larger than 1-2 ft. 1. 2-Dimensional Cutters CNC […]


4 Considerations to Help You Choose Between Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Methods

Methods Overview There’s a telling quote attributed to the great Renaissance artist, poet, and subtractive manufacturer, Michelangelo. When asked how he created his masterpiece David from a large chunk of marble, he remarked that he simply “chipped away at all of the stone that doesn’t look like David.” As engineers and artists, before we can […]

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